I'm sure the dev team will try their best in case of this game.gotta wait and see. I only wonder how the new music will fit in, whether it reaches the original vibes, quality and synergises with the gameplay. It kinda slaps people who judge books by its cover, but it has always been their own loss. Imo it's a cult game, definitely in Suda's top 3 projects he ever participated in. Lollipop Chainsaw was developed by Suda51 ’s studio Grasshopper Manufacture. If you have the original release, then by all means play that. Lollipop Chainsaw is a game covered in glitter and blood, which asks the player to objectify the protagonist. I see the main appeal in this release is to make it the game available again for purchase, running on current gen hardware. I'm not a console gamer, so unless it comes to PC (I would say there is a rather slight chance of it happening, while some of Dragami games are on steam already), then it won't affect me. It's good to see Yasuda elaborating on the matter further and clarifying some ambiguous points. Lollipop Chainsaw Xbox 360 NEW and SEALED - Rare Promo Copy. Xbox 360 Lollipop Chainsaw () (Multi Region) (DELETED TITLE) /X360 GAME NEW. Juliet must balance the drama of high school while carrying out her zombie-hunting lineage. PS3 Game Lollipop Chainsaw Like New Complete (AUS SELLER) AU 114.99. Summary: Lollipop Chainsaw is the un-deadly story of sweet, killer zombie-slayer Juliet Starling and her mission to uncover the root of a zombie outbreak.

I was pretty happy when I heard the announcement, although the modern remake/more realistic approach left me worried a little as nowadays that has rather negative connotation. Mixed or average reviews based on 240 Ratings.